Personal Training

Online Programming

  • Goal setting

  • Weekly structure

  • S&C sessions

1:1 Coaching - In Person or Online (Single or multipack)

  • Initial consultation & session

  • Weekly structure

  • Technical guidance

  • Measureable progress

  • Online via FaceTime/WhatsApp Video


Strength training - The type of training that is often most avoided even with more experienced clients. Taking more time, proper form, consistency and the right stimulus to obtain the results you want, it’s not surprising.

Training this way will see strength increases and body composition changes at every age.

Conditioning - Vo2 (maximum oxygen capacity) has recently been shown to be a direct indicator to how long you will live. The more oxygen your body can uptake, means more energy, more recovery and a more efficient overall system.

Training in specific zones and intervals help increase Vo2. If you are training specifically for an event, conditioning sessions will always vary to be specific but with a strong base you will be easily adaptable when it comes to aerobic and anaerobic fitness.